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Report Child Abuse & NeglectGeneral Information for Non-IV-D Cases
Private Sector: Attorneys and Individuals
Forms & Instructions
- OMB 0970-154 Income Withholding Order Notice for Child Support
- OMB 0970-154 Instructions for Income Withholding Order Notice for Child Support
Louisiana Revised Statutes & Rules
- R.S. 9:303
- LA R.S. 46:236.3(E) - Enforcement and Termination of Income Assignment Orders
- R.S. 46:236.11 et al
- LAC 67:III.2509 Income Assignment
Federal Statutes & Guidance
- 42 U.S.C. §652 Duties of Secretary
- 42 U.S.C. §654b Collection and disbursement of support payments
- 42 U.S.C. §666 Requirement of statutorily prescribed procedures to improve effectiveness of child support enforcement.
- AT-11-05 Revised Income Withholding for Support (IWO Form)
- Bench Card: Child Support and the Judiciary Income Withholding for Support and the State Disbursement Unit
- Income Withholding for Support (IWO) Training: A Guide to the IWO
- Income Withholding for Support (IWO) Process Flowchart
General Information for Non-IV-D Cases
This information is provided in order to assist private attorneys serving clients in private, Civil child support matters, as well as individuals themselves not currently receiving child support enforcement services through DCFS. DCFS Non IV-D Unit will provide no enforcement services with the exception of distributing payments received from the Noncustodial Parent or Payor of income to the Custodial Parent. Cases currently receiving DCFS IV-D services must the use the policies related specifically to IV-D cases.
When initiating a Non IV-D case, submit the State Case registry form/Attorney worksheet, the Income Assignment Order, and any judgment/order relating to child support to:
Non IV-D Unit
P.O. Box 94065
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
Or fax to 225-342-7397
If you have any questions, please call 225-342-4780.
State Case Registry
- The State Case Registry (SCR) is an automated registry of child support orders in which SES is providing services and of each support order established or modified in Louisiana on or after October 1, 1998.
- Pursuant to LA R.S. 46:236.10, the SCR shares and compares information with, and receives information from, other databases and information comparison services. The automated comparison services include the federal case registry.
- Federal Case Registry (FCR), federal parent locator services, TANF records, Medicaid records and interstate records. The Clerk of Court collects information from private attorneys via the required form SES 489 and forwards it to Child Support Enforcement. This form is not used to open a Non-IVD case with Child Support Enforcement. Instead, it merely documents the existence of a Non-IV D court order, and stores the information in accordance with LA R.S. 46:236.10 and 45 CFR 302.35.
- LA R.S. 46:236.10(D), R.S. 9:313(B) and R.S. 9:395 requires each party in a proceeding for divorce, to establish paternity, and to establish or modify a support order to advise the SCR of his/her current address, telephone number, social security number, driver's license number, and the name, address, and telephone number of his/her current employer. The same statutes require the parties to advise the SCR of any change to information which occurs after the date the information was provided including after a judgment is rendered.
Non-IV-D Income Assignment Cases
- Federal regulations at 45 CFR 303.100 and state law at LA R.S.9:303 require that all child support orders issued on or after January 1, 1994, which are not being enforced by the Department of Children and Family Services, are subject to immediate income assignment, unless the case meets specific criteria.
- Immediate income assignment orders issued pursuant to these laws are payable through the Department of Children and Family Services. Payments are to be sent to the State Disbursement Unit (SDU) for processing; however, DCFS does not provide enforcement services in Non-IV-D cases.
- Send payments to the state disbursement unit at:
Department of Children & Family Services
Centralized Collection Unit
P.O. Box 260222
Baton Rouge, LA 70826-0222
Please include the Noncustodial Parent’s name and case number when submitting payments. - Payments may also be made by cash, credit card, money order or bank account. Payment Methods
- DCFS is not permitted to provide notice to withhold income to employers on Non-IV-D Cases.
Income Withholding Order for Support (IWO) form
- Section 466(b)(6)(A)(ii) of the Social Security Act implemented the use of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)-approved IWO form on all orders issued after February 9, 1999. In Action Transmittal 11-05, the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE), an office of the Administration for Children & Families (AC&F) announced changes to the IWO Form. These changes include the added permission for employers to reject any notices issued after May 31, 2011, which do not adhere to federal law. In addition, employers were also given permission to reject and return any order that does not direct payments to the State Disbursement Unit (SDU). To assure prompt delivery of child support payments to families, private firms, attorneys and courts are urged to ensure compliance with both federal and state income withholding requirements.
- The OMB-approved IWO form can be found on the OCSE website at: Instructions are also available on the OCSE website.