Help us protect Louisiana's children. Report Child Abuse & Neglect: 1-855-4LA-KIDS (1-855-452-5437) toll-free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Employees Only

Employees Only

How to Validate Parking — LaSalle Parking Garage

When you enter the garage, a gateless license plate reader (LPR) will read your license plate number and it will be validated with the information you provided. If your vehicle is not registered in the LPR system, you will have 30 minutes from the time you entered the garage to obtain validation, otherwise, you will receive a parking violation.

You can validate your vehicle in one of two ways. You must have your license plate number in order to perform this validation.

    1. Once you get to your computer, click on this link:
      Password: DCFS
      Enter all required information to complete your validation.
  1. Scan the QR code located at the Security Desk in the Lobby and enter all required information to complete your validation.

Reminder: You will have only 30 minutes to complete this validation.

This web application and password is intended for use by DCFS employees only.

For changes to DCFS State Office Employees or Contractor's vehicle information, the DCFS State Office Employees or Contractor's Vehicle Information Form must be completed for your new vehicle and emailed to Deidra Warren in Administrative Services at Deidra will then make that permanent change in the LPR system.

For any questions, please contact Deidra Warren at (225) 342-1440 or her Manager, Deryl Cresie at

Important Links

E-mail Access:
GroupWise WebAccess
(Use Groupwise User Name and Password)

LA.Gov E-mail Webaccess
(Domain\user name = swe\Your Novell ID)

Emergency Preparedness:
Get A Game Plan

Louisiana Division of Administration
Information on statewide office closure:
(800)-360-9660 or (225)-342-0498

DCFS Links:
DCFS Intranet
DCFS Policies
DCFS Employee Assistance Program (Intranet link)

Benefits/Medical Insurance:
Office of Group Benefits


State Links:
Louisiana Employees Online (LEO)

State of Louisiana
The official website of the state of Louisiana

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
As part of Senate Concurrent Resolution 107 of the 2012 regular Louisiana Legislative session, DCFS has designated a staff member as its representative in matters concerning sexual harassment.

DCFS' Designee:
Meghan Williams
Bureau of General Counsel - Civil Rights Section
Room 4-209, Iberville Building
Baton Rouge, LA



The toll-free hotline 1-888-LAHELP-U (1-888-524-3578) is one number that provides DCFS customer service for clients and providers. Additional information related to office closures and emergency procedures will be provided through the hotline for DCFS employees, clients and providers in the event of a disaster or emergency.



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