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CAFE Upgrade

Hand holding a mobile device

DCFS has upgraded the technology system behind our CAFÉ Self-Service Portal for individuals applying for or receiving SNAP, LaCAP, FITAP, KCSP and Child Support benefits.

The upgrade, available at noon on Wednesday, February 26, makes communicating with caseworkers easier, increases applicant and recipient access to information and improves our overall service delivery.


Direct Contact with Caseworkers
Questions about SNAP, FITAP and/or KCSP cases can be sent directly to caseworkers from within the CAFÉ SelfService Portal.
Electronic Notifications
You can now sign up to receive paperless notices about your SNAP, FITAP and/or KCSP case in your CAFÉ Self-Service Portal. You will also receive an email and/or text notification when a new notice is available in your CAFÉ Self-Service account.

Note: Not everyone will be immediately transferred into the upgraded CAFÉ.

DCFS is moving all cases over to the new CAFÉ Self-Service Portal in phases. We began this process on Nov. 18, 2019, with a pilot-test period and will continue moving cases into the new system over the next few months until all clients are using the new system.

How do I know if I am in the new CAFÉ or the original CAFÉ system?

Go to CAFÉ at, and enter the reason for your visit (e.g., New Application, Redetermination, Check Case Status, etc.) and your personal information. After that, you will be directed either to the new CAFÉ system or the original CAFÉ system.

The new CAFÉ system has a green background and is labeled CAFÉ Self-Service Portal near the top of the screen.

New CAFE system home page

The original CAFÉ system has a blue/gray background and is labeled CAFÉ Customer Portal near the top of the screen.

Original CAFE system home page

Note: Clients transferred to the upgraded CAFÉ must create a new account. 

DCFS has made several new improvements, including new security measures for the CAFÉ Self-Service Portal. To ensure that every CAFÉ account meets the minimum security standards to protect your information better, all customers will have to create new CAFÉ accounts when they are directed to the new CAFÉ Self-Service Portal (green).

Video Tutorial - How to Create an Account in the Upgraded CAFÉ



CAFÉ Upgrade Brochure
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