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DSNAP Eligibility Scenarios

Eligibility for DSNAP benefits is determined by looking at the applicant’s take-home pay (earned and unearned) in the designated 30-day time-period, adding all available cash resources (including checking and savings balances), and deducting the total dollar amount of money spent on any disaster-related expense - that has not already been reimbursed - during the designated 30-day period.

If an applicant’s income during the disaster period plus resources minus disaster expenses are lower than the income limit for their household size, they are eligible for DSNAP benefits.

If an applicant’s income during the disaster period plus resources minus disasters expenses are higher than the income limit for their household size, they are NOT eligible for DSNAP benefits.

Income Limits

Disaster Gross
Income Limit
1 $1,817 $234
2 $2,190 $430
3 $2,563 $616
4 $2,951 $782
5 $3,355 $929
6 $3,759 $1,114
7 $4,133 $1,232
8 $4,506 $1,408
Each Additional
+ $374 + $176


Example of Eligible Household


Rose Family - Household of 4

Resources = $4,300
  • Johnny Rose made $1,800 (R1) during the designated period
  • David Ross made $2,000 (R2)
  • Alexis Rose and Moira Rose do not work
  • The Rose Family had $500 (R3) in a checking account.

R1 + R2 + R3 = Resources

$1,800 + $2,000 + $500 = $4,300

Disaster Expenses = $1,575
  • $1,000 (E1) for hotel stays
  • $100 (E2) for gas
  • $400 (E3) for food.
  • Clean-up supplies: $50 (E4)
  • Flashlight and batteries: $25 (E5)

E1+ E2 + E3 + E4 + E5 = Disaster Expenses

$1,000 + $100 + $400 + $50 + $25 = $1,575

DSNAP Calculation = Eligible
  • The disaster gross income limit for a family of 4 is $2,951 (IL).
  • Rose Family Resources = $4,300 (RT).
  • Rose Family Disaster Expenses = $1,575 (ET).
  • To be eligible, the difference between $4,300 and $1,575 must be less that $2,951.

RT - ET = Eligibility

$4,300 - $1,575 = $2,725 (Eligible)


Example of Ineligible Household


Ted Mullins - Household of 1

Resources = $11,500
  • Ted Mullins made $4,500 (R1) during the designated period
  • Ted Mullins had $7,000 (R2) in a checking account

R1 + R2 = Resources

$4,500 + $7,000 = $11,500

Disaster Expenses = $9,430
  • $1,000 (E1) for generator
  • $250 (E2) for chainsaw
  • $400 (E3) for gas
  • $150 (E5) for food replacement
  • $100 (E6) for clean-up supplies
  • $30 (E7) for candles, flashlights, batteries
  • $4,500 (E8) for roof repair
  • $3,000 (E9) for new fence

E1+ E2 + E3 + E4 + E5 + E6 + E7 + E8 + E9 = Disaster Expenses

$1,000 + $250 + $400 + $150 + $100 + $30 + $4,500 + $3,000 = $9,430

DSNAP Calculation = Not Eligible
  • The disaster gross income limit for a family of 1 is $1,817 (IL).
  • Ted Mullins Resources = $11,500 (RT).
  • Ted Mullins Disaster Expenses = $9,430 (ET).
  • To be eligible, the difference between $11,500 and $9,430 must be less that $1,817.

RT - ET = Eligibility

$11,500 - $9,430 = $2,070 (Not Eligible)

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